- I love seeing so many different people every day! There have been quite a few patients that I truly connect with as well as a couple that I really could not see myself having any other association with. I love having so much interaction with so many different people daily!
- I am so speedy! I have finally gotten to a point where I can complete a thorough cleaning within my allotted time frame. And still have time to clean rooms between patients!
- I love bringing home a pay check. Finally six years to get my Bachelors has paid off. And Nate can go to school full time.
- Really patients? Can you just relax your chin while I clean you bottom front teeth! Most patients don't realize they do this. But it's very irritating because I have to push back with my finger or else I can't see, or I suck up their lip with the suction, or I could possibly burn you with the ultrasonic. I really do want you to be comfortable but if you don't relax, it won't work!!
- Also, I don't need your tongue to help me floss. I don't know how many times I've been flossing someone's mouth and they wedge their tongue up under the floss when I'm pulling it out. I am a very able hygienist here. Once again, just relax!!
- I miss being able to see Nate in the middle of the day. I know this is a little mushy and I apologize but while I was in school, Nate would drop by and take me to lunch pretty regularly. I loved seeing him periodically through out the day. Now it's just in the morning and when I get home...
- I still love cleaning off ridiculous amounts of calculus. It's just so satisfying to have someone come in with so much tartar on the back of their teeth and then clean it all off. Just watching it break into chunks off the tooth and then get sucked up with the suction just completes a little part of me. My classmates will understand.
- I've also been very surprised at how much I enjoy working at two different offices through out the week. Both my dentists and their offices are completely different from each other. And it's refreshing. Keeps me excited to go to work in the morning.
- I enjoy working pretty much full time. Especially because I have no more homework. When I come home from work, I am done. I have nothing to prepare for the next day, week, or term. It's awesome! Now I just want to find some new hobbies. Nate's tired of me checking out 8-9 books at the library every three weeks...
ha ha!! LOVE IT! I agree with everything you say. I've never had a patient try to help me floss until I got into private practice! I'm always playing with their lips. silly patients! Miss ya liv.
I am so glad that you are enjoying your chosen profession. I am sure you are incredible at your job and I am sure the patients love you. I am so glad the "plan" has worked out for you and Nathan. I hope he is able to carry all those credits and do well. I am sure he loves going to school full-time. Love you both very much. See you soon!
Cool and informative! When our kids are grown and in school I want to go to school to be a dental hygienist. I wanted to originally do that instead of pursuing nursing, but Nick had to stay in Columbia for his nuc med degree and the nearest was KC for I settled for general studies degree. Maybe someday we can share stories! :)
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