
So yesterday, I started a new deodorant.  Dove, original scent.  And I'm so in love.  It's ridiculous.  I told everyone I saw yesterday, well, most.  My grandma, Nate, my sister, her husband.  Lindsay than noted that when we were in high school I was also in love with this particular scent of deodorant.  Sometimes I wish I remembered these things.  So anyway, besides sniffing my pits somewhat regularly yesterday, my love of this smell inspired some thoughts.

You'll recall (if you listen to too much celebrity gossip like unto myself) that Matthew McConaughey does not like to wear deodorant because it makes him smell like something other than himself.  He just showers if people start complaining which I'm thinking happens more often than not.  

You'll also recall many many celebrities have made their own perfumes.  Mariah Carey, Britney Spears, P Diddy (or whatever he's going by these days), and even the Beckhams.  Now, I have not tried these many different perfumes because I'm not much of a perfume person.  Also, although I am very up on my celebrity gossip, I also like to stay away from what I think is conforming.  

Ok, so now the point.  I think celebrities, particularly you Matthew, should make their own deodorants.  And here are my reasons:

1.  I don't like perfume, others probably don't either.
2.  Anyone who works out as much as MattMc should definitely be wearing deo.
3.  I think celebrities could make money doing this.
4.  I love Dove original scent deodorant and I sniffed my own pits all day.  

What do you think?  Not quite lucrative enough (Brain flash!  Ludacris + deodorant = Ludascent! I would buy it.)  No one likes deo as much as I?? Let me know...


Jules AF said...

You crazy.

Rachey said...


Chris and Brittney said...

LOL! Ummm...I think they should start making edible deodorants too..you know a sniff and lick thing...

JanEllenSanders said...

That is ok you can smell your armpits...Sterling smells his regularly....he is now an owner of some fine cheap deo that he says "Smells like Uncle Andrew mom"....He even snuck it to preschool in his cargo pants to put on in the tree house on the playground!!!!!!!!!!!

Colton Anne said...

Make a deodorant that smells like Gain or Tide and I'd buy it and look ridiculous as I'd smell it ALL the time!! :)

auttelf said...

The more I get to know you I love you:) I also wear the that Dove. Its great. I too hate perfume. I'm willing to bet that MM smells really good anyway:)

emily Stoddard said...

you are hilarious Liv, and I miss seeing you everyday!! Hope things are going well! Yay for being all done!! p.s... I totally wear dove too.