
Text Twist

Ok.  I have a few addictions.  Reading is number one.  America's Next Top Model is another.  I'm watching it now.  I wish I didn't like it so much.  I also really enjoy a little game called text twist on yahoo.  I can sit here and play and play and play.  And that's actually the point of this blog.  I wanted to post my score that rocked.  Because I just sat here, watching ANTM and playing and not losing.  I'm pretty sure it's my highest score.  Anyway.  68,720.  Rock. My. Face. And. Yours. 


Jules AF said...

I haven't watched ANTM in sooooo long. I'm grateful for that. Instead, I watch TV on DVD alllll day long. It's not much better.

Jules AF said...

And I just noticed that you comment on your cousin's blog but not mine. WTF???? I love you just as much as she does.... haha

Jules AF said...

Uh huh.... Excuses, excuses!!!! hahaha