Hey guys. Maybe I'm catching myself on a bad day but I've decided to post a little opinion up today. As most everyone knows, Michael Phelps was photographed with a bong.
I can't say I agree. Why do we always strive to see politicians, athletes, and movie stars as moral compasses for the masses?! When did they ever prove themselves as such? I am surprised by how many of the media and even normal people are appalled by such behavior from a kid my age.
1. How many of the judges have photographic evidence of their own immoral acts? Probably all of them. And if they don't have photos, they probably have memories. I'm not trying to say that Michael Phelps is totally justified in doing illegal drugs, but seriously. Let the sinless cast the first stone.
2. Secondly, it is not Michael Phelps job to be the perfect role model to the nation or the nations children. And the same goes for Hannah Montana and Bill Clinton and any other celebrity. Who cares if their personal lives have "gone to pot"?! Teach your children correctly and point them towards positive role models that share your moral stance and align themselves with correct principles.
Now I understand that he's in the public eye and yada yada yada. But really, everyone messes up. And I wish everyone was perfect and never smoked pot or got tattoos or beat up their loved ones. But until we as a people are perfect, why do we expect celebrities to be? I maybe a MSN "Hot Gossip" frequenter, but I rarely, if ever, let the opinions and actions of celebrities sway my own personal beliefs or take over my daily life (besides the 15-20 minutes it takes to catch up...).
Well that said, I apologize for pushing the video further down on the blog. I know that's why most of you are visiting. But feel free to scroll down and bask in it's awesomeness one more time. You have my permission.
I mostly agree. I don't think they should be held to a higher moral compass, but people do look up to them because they're in the public eye. Stuuuupid.
Interesting thoughts. Its true that he only signed up to be a swimmer, not a saint.
I agree. Obviously I think it sucks that he was doing it, But They act like no one else is doing it. When most of the media probably does it too. Celebrities are dumb!
AGREED! give the guy a break! I'm sure if a camera followed some of those people around, they'd be pretty embrassed too!!
such a good point: people ARE NOT PERFECT so don't idolize them, they were more than likely dissappoint.
Hey!!!! I am impressed with your thoughts and point of view. I agree that we want our children and grandchildren to look at parents and family and church leaders for their idols. Good job!
"Gone to pot" literally hahaha :)
I totally agree. I heard how Kellogs removed him from his contract and thought that was extreme, no on is perfect. Thanx 4 ocming up the other night...it was great to c u! Also, the video of permisicous is hilarious!!
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