
Agree to disagree and other thoughts.

Well, I guess it's about time for another post.  I don't really have a whole lot to talk about.  I did watch the Oscars yesterday.  That was weird.  I've never sat and watched any award shows before.  But I do love Hugh Jackman and man was he fine.  

Pause for a moment of reflection.

Oh the hotness.

But also, I was really excited when Sean Penn told everyone that supported Prop 8 that they should be ashamed of themselves.  Excuse me?!  Because you won the Best Actor Award, now you can tell me how I should vote and believe?!  I just have to keep in mind that I knew drama people in high school and those who continue you with drama after high school/college even can be pretty interesting and, well... dramatic.  Crazies.  Slash crazy Sean Penn.  

Sometimes I'm just tired or the homosexual issues.  I guess maybe if I had relatives or close friends who were homosexual I would see it as a more pressing issue.  Or something.  I dunno.  Can't we all just agree to disagree?!  Anyway.  I'm tiring myself out of this post right now.  

Time just keeps marching and boards and graduation are sooner than I can believe.  I'm getting pretty tired of school though.  I appreciate school; I'm glad I'm there; but seriously!  Six years for a bachelors.  I'm somewhat embarrassed posting that right now.

Also, I picked up a hold at the library today.  Even with impending boards, I can't stop reading.  Oh well.  

1 comment:

Jules AF said...

I haven't heard it, but apparently, I need to.