
Like everyone else, I love fall!

Just a quick little update here with really nothing to update.  Nathan and I went to his mission reunion on Thursday.  I'm so glad that we're friends with Dan and Suzanne and their awesome baby Nova.  Definitely makes reunions a little less boring for me.  Nathan always seems to enjoy himself.  I always seem to understand about half the conversation.  It's fun though.  We then had lots of conference and got to see Karl and Erin.  It had been too long.  And today, Lindsay came over an took pictures of me.  

It's funny because I never really know what to post.  I'm not a good enough writer to blog about clever things in an even cleverer way.  And we don't have a kid or anything especially exciting going on in our lives (as made obvious by our stand by answer when people ask us what we've been up to, school and work...).  So anyway.  a post is better than no post.  I'll keep contemplating the purpose of this blog and hopefully get back to you a little sooner.

One ridiculous thing of note.  Surprise, it's dental related.  Skip ahead if you feel the need.  I was working on a pretty difficult patient on Thursday.  An "E".  The worst you can be on our scale.  Calculus (tartar) was built up everywhere.  I couldn't even see the lingual aspect of his mandibular incisors ( backside of his bottom front teeth) they were so covered in calculus.  Needless to say I was very excited. (It's a good thing there are a few of us who like that stuff as Dan reminded me at the reunion.)  So I was working and working and stuff was coming off pretty well of the four teeth (that's right, only four) teeth I was working on for the whole 3-4 hr appointment.  I had my clinic instructor (her name is Cozy.  Not sure on the spelling but I love it strangely enough.)  come over to check the areas I'd gone over.  She found a couple spots.  I worked on them some more and had her check again.  The spots were still there.  She had to freaking CRANK on those spots and still didn't get them off.  So, she left these really tenacious (hard to remove) spots for me to work on.  So I worked.  And then my fulcrum slipped so my hand flew out of the patients mouth.  He got really worried and was like, "What happened?!"  And I was like, "No big deal.  My fulcrum just slipped."  And got back to work all the while telling him this crap was NOT coming off.  Anyway, I slipped again!  And the dude was like, "That's it!  I'm done!"  It was at the end of the appointment so that was good.  But I felt so ridiculous for totally freaking him out!  He was already nervous in the first place and then I make him think I'm ripping his teeth apart or out of his head.  Awesome.  So I tried to give him some other appointment times and he like ran out.  I talked to his wife later and she really wants him to continue treatment so hopefully he well.  I just feel like such a retard and this whole weekend it's been bugging me.  I'm psyching myself out here.  Out of my chosen profession.  It's ridiculous and completely unfounded but I can't shake it.  Ugh.

End of dental rant.  Resume reading here.  It probably won't be half as interesting though.  Nathan and I watched Casino Royale this weekend.  I liked it.  I'm reading a book.  North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell.  So far so good.  When I start reading though, it's like an addiction.  I can't stop until the book is done.  But then I read too fast and I can't savor it.  It's quite the conundrum.  I'm trying to slow down.  The temptation is so great.  Alright.  I should turn in for sure.  Happy reading, readers.


Anonymous said...

keep scrapping (is that how you spell that??) away! i do that all the time; think, WHY AM I ACTING SO WEIRD, i KNOW i can do this.

hopefully you'll shake it off! good luck!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about it!!! Patients don't understand what we have to do to get that stuff off!!! Don't stress about it. Everyone goes through it and feels completely inadequate most of the time. I remember last semester wanting to cry several times when my CI would find like 5 areas that I had left behind on A and B patients!!!! You get over it.

Sarah Haynie said...

Hang in there young lady. You are going to an awesome "scrapper" and your patients will love you and want to come back often just to see your smile. I will as soon as you can tell me where to schedule my first appointment with you. Counting the months. Love and do not get discouraged, you are just great!

Nathan said...

How can a guy who doesn't even brush his teeth have an affect on how you feel about your hygienist skills? You could have been using a toothbrush on they guy and he probably would have reacted the same way. His opinion on teeth means nothing since his are rotting out of his head. Its like voting for an economic rescue bill when you already have a fortune that is secure... oh wait...that our congress!

Love you baby.

iyouandme said...

I hate fall in Utah because that means winter is right around the corner and that also means it's going to start snowing, which requires for me to put away my summer clothes and bring out the winter coats and sweaters (although i do love winter clothes).

But Cinthya said you were really nice and that you did a really good job! So I don't think you have to worry about this dude who didn't have the guts to sit through a dental appointment.

Colton Anne said...

Funny thing...I had a dream about your family last night. Something about your dad wanting to get rid of a couch or something...it was weird, but we're sick here right now and not getting much sleep, so that's why my dreams are so weird now...but it made me think about you guys! I hope you are doign well!

I also think it's great you are goign to be a dental hygienist...I secretly still want to be one someday, but it didn't work out with where Nick needed to go to school and where I needed to go...something told me that it's not good to be apart when you're married...even if it's for school! :) Congrats and have fun scrapping that calculus!! :) Sounds like math!

motivated said...

Hey, I just came across your post! :) I didn't know you blog! Anyway, I feel the same way ALL the time. :P I'm on my freaking sixth appointment with my E, and the only thing that made me not want to quit this past appt- I decided to try using files. AMAZING. I've gone over and over and over the same spots a million times, hand scaling and piezo, and Sampson was right- there's some calc that just will not come off unless you use a file. Give it a whirl! (sorry that was so long!)

Paige said...

So, will you be doing cleanings the Wednesday before Thanksgiving? That would be a good day for me. Let me know.

georgeandmarie said...

we miss you guys!! lets get together soon!!