
Tagged Survey

My wife Olivia tagged our cousin Lauren Richey with the following survey. Lauren then proceeded to tag me with it. Nice job Lauren. Here it goes...

1. What was I doing ten years ago.

I was fourteen. I had really long hair almost down to my chin, parted in the middle, and flowing baby! I began my love affair with working out. The main reason behind this want just that I had joined the wrestling and football team, but I coveted the kind of physique that impressed people, namely the ladies! (Wink) My spare time consisted of rollerblading, not the recreation kind but the street kind, grinding on rails and doing crazy jumps ect. I often spent my time with my cousin Christian in Franktown Colorado and camped in this backyard. I got into rock-climbing, lots of out-doorsy stuff (I was living in Colorado after all) and I seemed to fall head over heels in love with any female that had legs and a smile. I played the electric guitar, loudly, and I loved punk rock. I got my first steady girlfriend. I kissed her right before she went on a family vacation to Mexico. Her name was kelli. I spent lots of time babysitting my brother and sister since mom and dad had an affinity for going out to eat with my aunt and uncle.

2.What was I doing five years ago.

I was in Anatananarivo Madagascar serving a mission in an area that had lost of drunk people in it. I had nine baptisms in this particular area. I really got a lot of great work done there. The natives began to think I was one of them due to my fluency in the language. That was a big accomplishment for me.

3. What was I doing five months ago.

Going to school at UVSC by day and mentoring young adolescent delinquents by night. I really enjoyed my time spent teaching these seriously troubled boys about how to conduct oneself in society and relationships. Often one of the boys on campus would get violent and that is when I would be called in. I love physical confrontations and I enjoyed helping a boy go from trying to hurt himself or someone else to crying about his issues and then back to being good again.

4. Five things on my to-do list today.

1. Read from the book "think and grow rich"
2. Plan my lunch for tomorrow
3. Hype myself about getting up early tomorrow
4. Check my email
5. Honor my priesthood.

5. Five snacks that I enjoy.

1. Protein shake
2. Steak, Preferably a ribeye cut..bone in with only a little grilled on seasoning.
4. Taco Bell (its a very guilty pleasure)
5. Betos breakfast steak and eggs burrito, definitely not a guilty pleasure.

6. Five things I will do when I become a billionaire.

1. Try not to attend any more business meetings
2. Open a school for kids in Madagascar involving, english and french fluency, principles of success and leadership education, personal development and the importance of sacrifice, reading writing arithmetic, Business and Commerce, Political theory, but above all...self worth and discipline towards accomplishing goals and personal breakthroughs.
3. Provide a safe environment for my aging parents in their retirement. The best money can buy. They deserve it.
4. Travel the world with Olivia... again.
5. Send financially struggling families on life-changing vacations together.

7. Five places I have lived.

1. Sunnyvale California
2. Parker Colorado
3. Escondido California
4. Utah
5. Provo

8. 5 things people dont know about me.

1. I wish I could sing like Michael Buble and perform at weddings.
2. I started my first business at age thirteen.
3. I enjoy carpentry.
4. I cried when goose died in the movie Top Gun.
5. I have had my nose broken three times.

There...done. I hope this is enlightening. ;-)



Rachey said...

A steak counts as a snack for you? Crazy!

Lauren Kay said...

Hooray! Nate lives on! Your billionaire to-dos are so selfless. I feel so selfish to have put things like personal chef and personal trainer on. Oh well, I'll be looking sweet and you might be looking ok. Maybe you should lay off those fattening snacks... Love ya.