Well, one of my blogstalkers, who shall remain nameless, asked if I had any current pictures of Lola, my plant. Luckily I have taken one and will put up not only a current one but also a before for you, oh nameless one! Lola grew five new leaves during her first growth spurt in my home and now she has two more getting ready to bloom (?)! I'm stoked! And probably a lot of people (or the five who read this) are weirded out. Including my husband. Oh well.
I just finished playing this typing game where you must finish typing words and letters or sharks and piranhas will eat you up! I would have been eaten many times just during this blog. Ugh. I have an interesting love/hate relationship with sharks. It keeps me from entering the ocean past my knees (unless Nate and cousin John push me on a surfboard) but at the same time fuels me to continue watching shark week faithfully and dream of cage diving with great whites in South Africa. Odd combo I know. I also think it would be sweet to be way deep in relatively clear water and watch a school of hammerheads pass overhead. I think this one would have to involve a cage as well though. I don't want to be eaten or maimed. Anyway. That's all for now. Until "mas tarde"! Nos vemos!
1 comment:
you don't like Adam Sandler?!?!?!?! Wow.....I'm pretty shocked their Liv. I love your plant, lets hope a baby gets more love though!! Just kidding!! Hope you are doing well!
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