
Of all the things...

There are so many other things I should be doing right now.  Well one in particular, my school is having a mock board exam on Friday.  I've studied a little but not nearly enough.  

I just want to read.

It's my addiction I've come to realize.  Give me a really good fiction book and I won't put it down until 4 am.  Like I did Saturday night.  Gj me.  But really, that's all I want to do right now.  Ugh.  Back to studying ( I was gonna say the books but that's way too torturous).


motivated said...

I can't bring myself to study anything either! I did delete the other comment, b/c I thought it was lame- and I worried that you thought it was mega-lame. :) I have a bad habit of leaving comments, then wanting to delete them later b/c they're stupid- so I'll just leave you cooler comments here on out. Except for this one. This one is ultra-lame. :)

Sarah Haynie said...

Hang in there, you are in the final stretch! I am so proud of you and just think, soon you can choose to read whatever you want and will have the time to do it. Go studies go! Love, GS