So updates. I quit my job. There was an extreme lack of communication between the management. I was continually being scheduled for more hours than I asked and I had to continually tell slash write over and over that I only wanted 15 hours a week. My friend that still works there told me they wanted me to stay. I received a voice mail from the head honcho that definitely didn't sound that way. She was turning everything around on me doing research that "backed up" her fictitious claims. I'm sad a little. I like books a lot. But quitting has finally allowed me to catch up in the many areas I've been lacking; homework, Nathan, and eating to name a few. Anyway, I feel like I've told this story over and over again and now when I tell it I'm tired of it. The tiredness shortens the story a lot though...
School's going well. I'm needing to find more difficult patients this semester and most if not all of the people I know seem to have pretty radical oral health. Good but bad. If you know anyone seriously in need of a free dental cleaning please send them my way... We have quite a few classes that are pretty intense this semester but it's pretty nice because I finally feel like we're spending time on the things I need to know! We're learning more about clinical applications and less about facial anatomy and radiology equations. It works out!
Lindsay got married! It was awesome. I love purple and yellow together! I mean Travis and Lindsay! :) I'll put some pictures up. Bad news about the Colorado reception though. I thought I was being clever and I put my memory card into my friends camera and took tons of pictures. Oh yeah, none of them are on my card. Cool. But I do have pictures from the Utah festivities.
Hm...I'm trying to decide what else to write about. I always think of things when I'm definitely not anywhere near a computer and I try to make mental notes but I think I leave those mental notes wherever I made them. Oh well. I hope things are going well for those reading. Now I must do some homework!
I have been checking your blog very religiously and am glad that you have found time to update us. I can imagine how hard it must be to have too many hours on-the-job while you are in school. Maybe they will turn around and realize that someone as good as you for 15 hours a week is better thatn zero.
Hope you are both taking care of each other. Sending my love your way.
Grandma Sarah
So, love the wedding pictures! Also, I could use a dental cleaning. Due to some confusion on my part, I am without dental insurance and have been for a while. I'm glad you're well. Talk to you later!
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