We went to the Pie in South Jordan a few weeks ago. This is Makaiya and Brody. They are just a few weeks apart in age but definitely not size! She's still wearing 0-3 mo. clothes in this pic I believe while Brody is wearing 12 mo. It was hilarious to see them right next to eachother...

We saw this Suzuki Aerio or whatever it is at Cafe Rio and I thought I would take a picture and dedicate it to Karl.

We found this lovely missive on a high chair at the Pie.

And this one was tagged on this random cement thing on a hike we went on. Who seriously tags a scripture. WTF.

This is Nate and I standing on top of the ridiculous tagging. It was a beautiful hike anyway. Great views and so much was green!
aww Liv I miss you!! We need to hang out!! I'm home all day...and I LOVE barnes and nobles!! Current reads...Blue blood books. Anyways, cute pics Liv!!
Love all the fun things you have been up to! We already miss you and need to hang out soon!!
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