
Utah has frozen

It is interesting to think that Olivia and I are now keeping history of us on the web. I never thought that I would be keeping record of my family on a computer; let alone making it available for the whole world to see. I must say that I am impressed with myself for living in such a tech savvy time and doing my best to stay up to date.

I struggle in Math. Right now I am having one of those "catch up" semesters here at Utah Valley University. You know, those semesters where you are forced to take the mind numbing required courses instead of the ones that progress you as an individual? Im taking Algebra, Computer for Beginers, (sierously, my kid brother kenny could pass this class) and Beginers Physics. I want to die every time I am in class.

Beyond that, I keep myself busy studying the things that I enjoy. Books on investing, leadership, religion, personal progression, and public speaking are my main areas of interest. I have no use for television except to watch the occasional movie since football season has come to a close.

Things here in West Jordan Utah aren't that amazing either. On average, my car (1993 Honda Accord) gets covered in snow drifts once a week. I have to dig for at least 45 minutes just to get my car out of our parking area. Olivia's car (2006 Nissan Xterra) simply requires the flip of the 4WD switch and she can plow through anything old man winter can dish out. Yes, Olivia is the more spoiled one but hey, just look at her picture and you will understand why. I always was a sucker for a pretty face. ;-)

Im off to do some more math.


emmalily said...

yeah! so good to hear from you guys! sorry Utah is frozen, sucks big time. We walked down to the beach to hang out today - you definitely need to make a visit.

Unknown said...

How do you spell beginner?

Unknown said...

Hey Nathan how are you? Well it is very warm here so I'm happy I am not in Utah. Sorry about the snow but we already have summer weather almost. Well talk or see you soon witch ever one it is.

Rachey said...

Hey Nathan and Olivia! I am glad you guys have a blog now too. Its fun to keep up with everyone. By the way, this is Nathan's favorite cousin, Rachel.

Jules AF said...

Oh Bryan. Do you not have anything better to do than go read people's blogs and comment on their spelling errors?